About Us


Grief: an intense sorrow, especially caused by someone's death.

Here at Solace, we address the emotional burdens of our families of Singapore. We look at how we can help families to cope with their grief and start life anew after a funeral. Beyond the scene of a funeral, we help families plan ahead of time so that they are better prepared for when the inevitable arrives.

We strive to shift the conversations we have about death and dying so that Singaporeans are better educated about the preparations and services required.

Preparing for an Aging Population

The Singapore government and private corporations are making great progress towards providing for the healthcare needs of our elderly. While the increasing medical needs are being met by these improvements, we can do more for the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of our families along this journey.

Starting Important Conversations

Along with elderly healthcare comes important conversations that many Singaporeans fail to have. Discussions about aging, wishes that come with retirement and growing old, financial and healthcare concerns must be started early to ensure a peaceful retirement. Some of these include retirement finances, wills as well as planning for the inevitable and what comes after. We at Solace encourage these conversations to be had within families as well as between friends. By opening up these discussions, we are better prepared for the future ahead of us and our families.

Social Causes and Impact

We believe in creating an ecosystem that gives back to the community in meaningful ways. As such we forge relationships and partnerships with charities and services that focuses on providing support for our caregivers. We do not believe in only giving donations, but also actively participate in their communities as well as conduct activities like fundraisers for our beneficiaries. Do follow our articles on our website or on facebook to receive updates on us!

Planning for retirement and beyond requires a large amount of paperwork and planning. Let us assist you in consolidating and strengthening your preparation.

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